Girl Face Graffiti Art

Girl Face Graffiti Art. Another excellent piece from Digbeth, Birmingham UK. See another one here. I get the feeling that this girl is most probably famous. A singer maybe. But due to me not watching television, and not really following anything "mainstream", I don't know who she is. I'm sure someone will let me know in the comments, if she is famous that is. Digbeth is a hotbed for urban artwork. Some great Graffiti down there. Might head down there again soon. Image captured with a Huawei Smartphone.



#facegraffiti #stencilgraffiti #urbanart #spraypaint #streetart #freehand


Anonymous said…
Top piece. Do you know who created it?
stillpaused said…
I'm not 100% sure who done this piece. But there are other pieces close by that have been done by Hated but Rated, so he could be the artist of this one.
Anonymous said…
Thanks. Do you have any stuff done by Korsa? He was prolific tagger a few years back in the Birmingham area.
stillpaused said…
Korsa. That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. He used to come and hang about with me and my mates sometimes back in the day. Haven't seen him for many years though. I do have one piece where I think he has drawn himself (his face). This was photographed on the Bromford under the motorway a few years back. But going on that he may still be active in the Graffiti scene. Might post it soon.
Anonymous said…
Not sure if this is blog is still active but if you want to know the girl is a friend who modeled for Elena ivskaya an editorial photographer, one of those photos inspired this grafitti, you can find it on her behance !
Still Paused said…
Hey, thanks a lot for letting us know. I always thought she was a famous singer for some reason. Finally put an end to the mystery.